这些是 Greasy Fork镜像 用户发布的库,您可以在您的脚本中 @require
它们。对于其他可以 @require
的库,请参见 Greasy Fork镜像 对 @require
AUTODF JS (库) - tab per KOC
Long JS (库) - Js Long
tippy JS (库) - tippy.js for wenku8++
SidePanel JS (库) - 轻小说文库++的侧边工具栏
FontAwesome JS (库) - FontAwesome support for wenku8++
assets JS (库) - Wenku8++ used assets
json测试 JS (库) - json测试测试
ConfigManager JS (库) - ConfigManager: Manage(Get, set and update) your config with config path simply with a ruleset!
LocalCDN JS (库) - LocalCDN: Webresource manager to request and cache web resources, aiming to make web requests faster and more reliable.
NZMsgBox JS (库) - jQuery消息盒子NZMsgBox
csfd-compare-utils JS (库) - Utils for csfd-compare
alertify JS (库) - alertify for wenku8++
Xtiper JS (库) - Xtiper 是一款整合 PC 、移动端的弹层弹窗(甚至还有弹幕)解决方案。采用原生的 javascript 编写,体积小,不依赖任何 js 库,不加载任何图片,使用方便。
$Boolean JS (库) - Handles persistent storage of boolean values.
Viewer JS (库) - 强大的图片查看器插件Viewer.js
Hook Vue3 app JS (库) - 通过劫持Proxy方法,逆向还原Vue3 app元素到DOM
Basic Functions JS (库) - 自用函数
toastr_demo JS (库) - 消息提示插件:toastr.js
king1490 JS (库) - sus
轻小说文库++ 测试模块 JS (库) - 轻小说文库++的测试模块,测试GM存储和其他grant,以及模块返回值功能
xlsxExport.utils.js JS (库) - 一个导出excel文件的导出工具
xlsxStyle.utils.js JS (库) - 一个导出excel文件的实用工具
xlsxStyle.core.min JS (库) - 一个导出excel文件的样式组件
wme-wazemy-trafcamlist JS (库) - List of traffic cams in Malaysia. To be used with WME WazeMY script.
htmp JS (库) - htm
xlsx.core JS (库) - sheetjs
ElementGetter库 JS (库) - 库
Modified_Hacktimer JS (库) - A modified hacktimer for modified PP Bot.
pdd快递库 JS (库) - 快递库
dom-to-image.js JS (库) - dom-to-image文件
Canvas2Image.js JS (库) - Canvas2Image文件
opencc-rust-lib JS (库) - opencc-rust-wasm decode
Cookies JS (库) - CookiesCookies
RandomSendBaseInfo JS (库) - Base Information
ElementGetter2.0 JS (库) - async requre element
Beibei.js JS (库) - IMPORTANT: This function requires your script to have loaded jQuery.
RBDB JS (库) - RocketBall Decoder Buffer
BiliveHeartWithTimeParam JS (库) - 无分区的直播间不进行挂机
bilibili-live-random-send JS (库) - 定时从设置的字幕中随机取出一条在B站直播间发送,需先登录(不可用)B站账号
b-live-random-send-test JS (库) - 定时从设置的字幕中随机取出一条在B站直播间发送,需先登录(不可用)B站账号
ckplayer JS (库) - ckplayer desc
javascript-blowfish JS (库) - Blowfish encryption library Javascript, jquery,coffeescript (blowfish.js)
spop JS (库) - 消息tips
botData JS (库) - 39 BOT用的資料集
Typing Tube MOD Add CSS JS (库) - Typing Tube MOD用のCSSを追加するライブラリ
findAndReplaceDOMText v 0.4.6 JS (库) - Matches the text of a DOM node against a regular expression and replaces each match (or node-separated portions of the match) in the specified element.
HWM_Resources JS (库) - Меняет разметку вкладки ресурсов под нужды других скриптов
Box.js JS (库) - Box for modal / toast
Enhance Tool IV JS (库) - RT
CommonlyMainFunctions JS (库) - Commonly used functions
GM_config_zh JS (库) - GM_config 中文版
Enhance Tool III JS (库) - RT
BiliveHeart JS (库) - B站直播心跳
ライブラリ[Typing-Tube]動画インライン表示 JS (库) - 動画インライン表示を追加
toast.script JS (库) - 消息提示
vue3 异步组件例子 JS (库) - vueloader use js
12348rufa JS (库) - 2022普法练习题目答案
Enhance Tool I JS (库) - RT
checkVersion JS (库) - Greasyfork Check Version Source Code
toastr.js JS (库) - toastr
BP Funcs JS (库) - Small script to be @require-d, providing useful functions and extensions I like to regularly refer to
Steam自动探索队 JS (库) - Steam节庆活动用脚本,自动探索3次队列。
PPConfP JS (库) - Pixel Place Config Premium
Dragon Training Magic JS (库) - Help you to raise your dragon well
jQuery Core slim minified JS (库) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
jQuery Core slim JS (库) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
jQuery Core minified JS (库) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
jQuery Core uncompressed JS (库) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
Camamba Users Search Library JS (库) - fetches Users
ENSShared JS (库) - Shared code for my scripts
$Config JS (库) - Allows users to configure scripts
3939-FOOD-BOT JS (库) - 食物品名
dict.js JS (库) - GitHub汉化
waitForKeyElements utility function JS (库) - A utility function for userscripts that detects and handles AJAXed content.
nav_list JS (库) - nav数据
quiz_answer JS (库) - 题目答案
1. 当事人 2. 党的十九届 JS (库) - 2022/5/31上午12:15:19
私有不公开依赖 JS (库) - 不公开依赖
Camamba Forums Search Library JS (库) - fetches forums, threads and posts
viewer.js JS (库) - viewer
网页翻译插件模板 JS (库) - 能够将网页的语言更改为各种其他的语言
VNDBTranslatorLib_ JS (库) - VNDB优先原文和中文化的库
PPAB JS (库) - Pixel Place Anti Ban
Greasy Fork镜像 API JS (库) - Get information from Greasy Fork镜像 and do actions in it.
mws JS (库) - 自用工具库
stockX JS (库) - stuff for gaem
ab站背景更改css JS (库) - ab站背景更改css样式表2.0
[email protected] JS (库) - pakojs
TyprMd5 JS (库) - Typr.js,Typr.U.js,md5.js
content-script JS (库) - 账号登录(不可用)
music-helper JS (库) - This script provides integration with online description generator YADG (http://yadg.cc)
PPConf JS (库) - Pixel Place Config
xlsx.full.min JS (库) - 文件分析
import_file JS (库) - 账号导入
pinyin-pro JS (库) - pingyin
Sploop Console JS (库) - As you already know, in sploop.io the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
mini mvvm JS (库) - 自用,bug较多,if和for指令不能使用
js-storeData JS (库) - 轻量级原生js本地数据存储管理工具(可选localstorage或GM油猴API)
FlowComments JS (库) - コメントを流すやつ